The most common way to cause a back strain is from lifting. Always bend your knees and keep your back straight when attempting to lift a heavy object. Posture is also a cause of back pain. Prolonged periods of sitting causes rounding of the shoulders, extension of the neck, and flattening of the lower back. These positions put a lot of force onto the musculoskeletal systems, which eventually leads to back pain. To maintain a good posture try to keep your shoulders "back and down" and pull your chin "back and in." Other things that can affect your posture include sitting on your wallet. This tilts your spine and presses on your sciatic nerve. Wearing high heels. This causes tension in the calves and lower back. And do not sleep on your stomach as this causes your neck to be rotated in one direction.
To relieve back pain try putting a heat pack on the affected area to increase blood flow and temporarily improve flexibility and muscle spasms. Heat also is useful in treating inflammation and arthritis. After applying the heat pack massage may be administered to relieve pain, reduce swelling, and help loosen tight muscles. Anti inflammatory cream or gels such as Voltaren or Anti-flam are also effective for increasing flexibly and for temporary relief from pain. Acupuncture is effective for releasing tight trigger points and a chiropractor can help with postural issues.
Vitamins and supplements are effective in relieving pain and providing the body with important nutrients to help support joint and connective tissue health. Vitamin B12, A, C and K play a role in maintaining a healthy back. Vitamin D is important because a deficiency in vitamin D can cause osteoporosis. Calcium is also important for strong healthy bones. Glucosamine and Chondroitin are useful for maintaining joint lubrication and joint strength.
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